About us

We want to provide you the best service and high quality product. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal.


Positioned among the top three banks in the market as chosen by the customers, bank that realizes their needs and projects.


A modern bank that meets the customer’s expectations and creates new values for its employees and shareholders.

Sparkasse and the symbol S.

Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje is an integral part of the Steiermärkische Sparkasse Group, which has recorded nearly 2 centuries of existence in the financial market of the Republic of Austria. This Group is distinguished by the "Sparkasse" logo with the red "S" symbol, which represents reliability, trust and tradition.

It stands out from the competition by its proximity to customers and regional approach to the customers on the one hand, and the competence and size of the company on the other.

To create value added for our target groups:

  • clients – we build strong and long-term relationships with our clients who are the focus of everything we do, by providing long-term benefits and securing experience different from that of other banks;
  • shareholders – strengthening of the capital and ensuring long-term stability in the Bank's operations through continuous provision of adequate rates of return, undertaking an acceptable level of risk and good decisions for allocation of resources;
  • employees - educated, trained and motivated employees focused on enhancing the quality of service provided to our clients and the quality of their work;
  • community – raising awareness of social responsibility by participating in existing and introducing new, innovative projects important for the community.

Basic information about Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje

URN: 4558669
Transaction account: 250-0000000001-11
Tax number: 4030993261735

Registered seat of Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje

Address: Str. Vasil Iljoski 14, 1000 Skopje
e-mail: contact@sparkasse.mk 
Tel.: 00 389 2 15 050
Web page: www.sparkasse.mk 
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SparkasseBankADSkopje 

Basic data for Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje

Establishment: 1992 
Assets: 1,15 billion euro

Steiermaerkische Sparkasse AG, Graz, Republic of Austria

95,6% owner of shares issued by Sparkasse Bank AD Skopje

Number of branches: 36
Number of ATMs: 120
Number of clients: 122.822
Number of employees: 700

The data refer to the status on 30.09.2021.